Municipal Solid Waste Facilities Cease and Transfer Program
The Municipal Solid Waste Facilities Cease and Transfer (MSW) program awards grants and loans for:
Capping of a closed landfill
Other closure related expenses including engineering, geological and other professional services
Construction or acquisition of appropriate solid waste transfer facilities and equipment, including acquisition of real property
NOTE: The MSW program will fund an amount up to one hundred percent (100%) of the total costs of all cease and transfer activities of a municipal solid waste facility.
The Municipal Solid Waste Facilities Cease and Transfer (MSW) program is authorized under Chapter 35 of the State Loan and Investment Board's Rules and Regulations.
Grants & Loans Contacts
Beth Blackwell - Grants & Loans Manager - 307-777-6373 - email:
Kevin Schwaiger - Project Engineer - 307.777.6503 - email:
Shawn King - Senior Grants & Loans Analyst - 307.777.7524 - email:
Kandi Wilson - Senior Grants & Loans Analyst - 307.777.6646 - email:
Brian Ferrari - Senior Community Loan Officer, Farm Loans - 307.777.6645 - email:
Nicole Woodworth - Community Loan Officer - 307.777.6046 - email:
Whitney Mullikin - Grant & Loans Reimbursement Specialist - 307.777.5526 - email:
Kaitamaria Pounds - Grants & Loans Officer - 307.777.7453 - email:
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