Capital Construction Loan Program
The Capital Construction Loan (CCL) program awards loans to assist cities, towns, counties, community college districts and school districts fund infrastructure projects that do not have many other funding options. The CCL program also awards loans for road and street projects, but those are limited to cities, towns and counties.
Loan funds can be used for the following purposes:
Purchase of land, buildings, and improvements associated with capital construction
Applicant will be responsible for ensuring an appraisal is completed if purchasing land or existing building(s)
Renovation or upgrade of existing infrastructure
Planning and construction
Capital Construction Loans are authorized under Chapter 38 of the State Loan and Investment Board's Rules and Regulations.
Grants & Loans Contacts
Beth Blackwell - Grants & Loans Manager - 307-777-6373 - email:
Kevin Schwaiger - Project Engineer - 307.777.6503 - email:
Shawn King - Senior Grants & Loans Analyst - 307.777.7524 - email:
Kandi Wilson - Senior Grants & Loans Analyst - 307.777.6646 - email:
Brian Ferrari - Senior Community Loan Officer, Farm Loans - 307.777.6645 - email:
Nicole Woodworth - Community Loan Officer - 307.777.6046 - email:
Whitney Mullikin - Grant & Loans Reimbursement Specialist - 307.777.5526 - email:
VACANT - Grants & Loans Officer - 307.777.7453 - email:
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