Clean Water State Revolving Funds

The Clean Water State Revolving Fund (CWSRF) program awards loans for:

Please visit the Wyoming DEQ website for additional project information, application requirements, and bidding requirements.

To lean more about the Clean Water State Revolving Fund Program, click here.

Clean Water State Revolving Fund Loans are authorized under Chapter 11 of the State Loan and Investment Board's Rules and Regulations.

Grants & Loans Contacts

Beth Blackwell - Grants & Loans Manager - 307-777-6373 - email: 

Kevin Schwaiger - Project Engineer - 307.777.6503 - email:

Shawn King - Senior Grants & Loans Analyst - 307.777.7542 - email:

Brian Ferrari - Senior Community Loan Officer, Farm Loans - 307.777.6645 - email:

VACANT - Community Loan Officer - 307.777.5526 - email:

Nicole Woodworth - Grant & Loans Reimbursement Specialist - 307.777.6046 - email:

Kaitamaria Pounds -  Grants & Loans Officer - 307.777.7453 - email:

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