Wyoming State Lands Customer Portal

The Office of State Lands and Investments’ Customer Portal is an online, self-service platform for current and prospective lessees and permittees of Wyoming's state trust lands to access information and conduct business. Services available to OSLI customers include:

To register for the OSLI Customer Portal, simply click here and then select “Register” on the login page to fill out and submit your registration. Complete the form and click “Sign Up” - once your user request has been approved by OSLI staff, you will receive an email confirmation with a link to set up your password. 

**Please be advised that the services available through the Customer Portal are limited to the leasing and permitting of Wyoming's state trust lands, and does NOT include services related to OSLI's Grants and Loans programs.** 

If you have any questions or need assistance with the OSLI Customer Portal, please contact us at 307-777-7331.

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