Municipal Solid Waste Facilities Cease and Transfer Program
The Municipal Solid Waste Facilities Cease and Transfer (MSW) program awards grants and loans for:
Capping of a closed landfill
Other closure related expenses including engineering, geological and other professional services
Construction or acquisition of appropriate solid waste transfer facilities and equipment, including acquisition of real property
NOTE: The MSW program will fund an amount up to one hundred percent (100%) of the total costs of all cease and transfer activities of a municipal solid waste facility.
The Municipal Solid Waste Facilities Cease and Transfer (MSW) program is authorized under Chapter 35 of the State Loan and Investment Board's Rules and Regulations.
State Funded Grants & Loans Contacts
Beth Blackwell - State Funded Grants & Loans Program Manager - 307.777.6373 - email:
Kevin Schwaiger - Project Engineer - 307.777.6503 - email:
Brian Ferrari - Senior Community Loan Officer, Farm Loans - 307.777.6645 - email:
VACANT - Grants & Loans Officer - 307.777.7453 - email:
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