Mineral Royalty Grants
The Mineral Royalty Grant (MRG) program awards grants to:
Alleviate an emergency situation which poses a direct and immediate threat to public health, safety or welfare;
To comply with federal or state mandates; or
To provide an essential public service.
Mineral Royalty Grants (MRGs) are authorized under Chapter 3 of the State Loan and Investment Board's Rules and Regulations.
State Funded Grants & Loans Contacts
Beth Blackwell - State Funded Grants & Loans Program Manager - 307.777.6373 - email: elizabeth.blackwell@wyo.gov
Kevin Schwaiger - Project Engineer - 307.777.6503 - email: kevin.schwaiger2@wyo.gov
Brian Ferrari - Senior Community Loan Officer, Farm Loans - 307.777.6645 - email: brian.ferrari1@wyo.gov
VACANT - Grants & Loans Officer - 307.777.7453 - email: @wyo.gov
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